Rapat Kerja Miskat Alam Group 2025
Miskat Alam Group baru saja mengadakan Rapat Kerja yang berlokasi di Tanjung Lesung, Banten. Rapat kerja ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja Miskat Alam Group selama tahun 2024, serta merancang strategi untuk menghadapi tahun 2025 ini, Tema rapat kerja kali ini adalah Satukan hati, Tunjukkan tekad, Kami bisa, Tambah berkah atau yang disingkat SATUKATA.
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Miskat Alam Group Work Meeting
The Miskat Alam Group Work Meeting was held at the Grand Mulya Hotel Bogor on 29-30 January 2020. This meeting was intended to improve the work ethics of Miskat Alam Group personnel in welcoming market competition in the 4.0 era.
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Internal Achievement
PT. Miskat Alam Konsultan has committed to continue to improve itself in all matters in order to improve service to service users. Thank God, with the hard work of the personnel and the will of the Almighty, in mid-2018 the company succeeded in achieving ISO 9001: 2015 as a concrete form of continuous improvement in […]
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